Stockholm – quick travel guide

Swedish capital city sprawling across 14 islands, with many different vibes.

Surrounded by water and spread across multiple islands, Stockholm is also called “the Venice of the north” or “the Venice of Sweden”. Somewhat similar to Amsterdam (the other “Venice of the north) but whereas Amsterdam is much more compact and dense and with much narrower weblike waterways, Stockholm feels like larger islands with larger bodies of water between them. Stockholm is also cheaper than other Nordic country capital cities.

3 days would be enough to enjoy the main sights. Visiting different islands to check out squares, restaurants, museums, and city views across the water. Also experience varying lifestyles between the busier islands and the quieter ones. Enjoying some nature and landscape. See some interesting architecture in the buildings and metros, perhaps take a boat ride.

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Sweden – quick travel guide

Beautiful island country (over 200,000), blending modern minimalist technology with old fashion homesteading lifestyle.

To someone who isn’t familiar with Sweden or Nordic European countries…Sweden is ultra-modern and minimalist. In architecture, general design of how all Swedish things look. The culture is somewhat like a more futuristic Germany (as I would say is typical with nordic countries). Landscape-wise, the country is made of many little islands all connected to each other. Imagine like a mix of a more minimalist Germany and Netherlands put together.

The lifestyle is very much homesteading. If you ever wanted to have big city comforts but still be in touch with nature, growing your own food, biking everywhere, and being surrounded with trees and green, Sweden is the spot for you. I think outsiders imagine Sweden as a country of technology and minimalism, but it’s very much a nature place as well.

You could easily see a couple main cities in Sweden within 10 days. 5 days is minimum to get a vibe. Stay longer to enjoy different towns. I would say Swedish cities are not so drastically different from each other like in other countries (Rome vs Venice).

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