Ireland – quick travel guide

Friendly country of drinking, scenic rainy countrysides, and expensive living costs…what else?

Ireland is one of those out-of-the-way destinations that doesn’t appeal to many on paper. It’s got crap weather, worse than England (which is already considered bad)…annnd more expensive than London (again already considered bad). Ouch!

Many people don’t know much about Ireland, myself included. But upon visiting….I’ve come to notice some charms. Irish people are much nicer than the British, or at least London-ers (no offense). And they have more of a distinct culture…especially considering that they have their own language (Irish). Hahaha…I didn’t even know they had their own language until recently. I thought those funny words were old medieval English or something.

Oh and also…Ire

I think to visit Ireland and feel like you’ve seen all the main parts, 2 weeks is a good time. 1 week is enough to see the 3 main cities…Dublin, Galway, Belfast. But 2 weeks lets you do day trips to the small towns nearby. Ireland has beautiful countrysides so doing small trips out is especially rewarding.

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Dublin – quick travel guide

Big city, but Irish. So what do you want to see? Irish things or big city things?

I only spent a day here so I’m no expert. But I did see several things to make note of for next time. Dublin can be done properly in 2-4 days depending on what you want to see.

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Cliffs of Moher – quick travel guide

Ireland’s #1 tourist attraction – beautiful green seaside cliffs on the west coast of Ireland.

Come see why so many tourists flock here. It’s beautiful and honestly not THAT many tourists, not crazy crowded like say the Eiffel Tower in Paris. This guide will help you to get to the cliffs smoothly and get the most of the whole experience. Since many of you don’t know, along the way to the cliffs is several other interesting things to see!

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Galway – quick travel guide

Ireland’s must-see scenic city destination. Beautiful countryside landscapes, limestones, and the country’s #1 tourist attraction…the Cliffs of Moher!

Everyone says a visit to Ireland must absolutely include Galway, this beautiful town on the west coast of Ireland (opposite side of Dublin). But why? I think it’s because it’s cute, compact, lively, and with beautiful tours in the area. You don’t need to look up where to go. Just enter the center of the old town and follow the noise. Restaurants, pubs and shops everywhere. So easy, so condensed. A really easy (and fun) visit.

2 days is enough to feel like you saw everything. But can add extra days for you to check out different puts and visit other nearby towns or tourist things.

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