Korea vs Japan – traveler comparisons

Both of these countries and lifestyles/cultures are similar in some ways, different in others.

Both are highly developed Asian countries with high standard of living. Also very Westernized or at least western-friendly and western-relatable cultures. Japanese culture has been known about for much longer in western countries but with the explosion of K-POP and korean food some decades ago, it seems more westerners have familiarity with Korea as well.

Let’s go over some comparisons…


  • No doubt about it. Japan has more things to see and do. More established cities with longer history.


  • Surprisingly, Korea can be very expensive and I agree with the sentiment that Seoul is more expensive than Tokyo. I think it’s because Japan has learned to manage its population density better and therefore more housing and food options are available.
  • Seoul on the other grew too fast recently and wasn’t able to manage its growth.
  • As for smaller cities…I think it depends on their tourism value. I’d imagine a small non-touristy Korean town is cheaper than an equivalent Japanese one.


  • Japanese are universally regarded as friendlier and more polite. Koreans do not seem as outwardly warm and helpful.
  • Japanese are also less racist than Koreans. White foreigners may feel both are friendly enough, but those of darker-skin (especially darker-skinned Asians) may be treated less equally. Koreans in general are very judgmental, even to themselves. The culture is toxically judgmental towards appearance, personal and professional life accomplishments. Anything superficial that can be judged WILL be judged.
  • Both groups are difficult to make friends with as a foreigner. First off, it helps to learn their language. Secondly…you need to go through a period of time before you’ll be accepted into their group. Their social circles are strong and bond for a long time. I would say Koreans are harder to break into especially since you have to break into their entire circle but once accepted, you’re trusted more deeply. Japanese are hard to get to know as they don’t express or share themselves so openly and freely, but at least you only have to deal with them individually.


  • Japanese food is objectively better due to variety and quality. Both cuisines are prepared to a high standard, but Japanese culture is a bit more perfectionist.
  • Korean food is also very good but seems more limited in options, although it too is very rich and delicious. Your personal preference might also be towards Korean flavors.


  • Japanese is definitely the harder language to learn, both in speaking and reading/writing. But at least Japanese reading and writing also has latin character version. Whereas Korean has its unique alphabet.
  • I’d also say Japanese people are more forgiven and willing to help you than Koreans when you’re trying to speak their language.
  • But ultimately, it should come down to your choice. And which one you are more interested in personally.

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